Pat Test your portable appliances from as little as £35.00 with log sheet and certificate. Approved and certified engineer working to the IET code of practice for portable appliance testing. Pat testing identifies any potential dangerous equipment within the workplace or the home reducing the risk of electric shock and the risk of fire. Under the Health and Safety At Work Act 1974 and the underlying regulations. Employers or Landlords have a duty of care to ensure a safe working environment, and safe systems of work are in place. The only way with electrical equipment to ensure its safety is that a regular Pat testing scheme is in place, it also shows your due diligence to any inspection authority. We provides you and your business the peace of mind that you have a safety Pat inspection scheme in place. We are a family business providing an excellent service ensuring our clients return year after year. Please give Angus a call to discuss your business needs and to book your appointment. Pat Testing Leeds, Bradford, Dewsbury,Wakefield,Huddersfield,Keighley, and West Yorkshire Areas.
